
BARI SAMARATSI is one of the most experienced and best companies in Armenia for meat production. Thanks to high quality tasty products, compliance with international food safety standards, application of modern technologies and, most importantly, honest work, this company has long gained a good reputation not only in Armenia, Artsakh, but also in the region and abroad.

And because of that, among the numerous awards previously won, in 2011, among the 11 CIS countries, for the high achievement in the field of product and service quality, BARI SAMARATSI received a special CIS award and was recognized the laureate of the competition.

The company has won the trust and prestige of many international, governmental, public, professional, expert and other organizations many times, has won awards, but most importantly - has earned the trust and love of the consumer.

And in that sense, the company has justified its name, the Good Samaritan, in connection with one of the ancient fables, in which in ancient times a Good Samaritan was helping a wounded man on the road while many were indifferent to him.

The Good Samaritan (who is Jesus himself by the parable) heals the wounds of the wounded man, takes him to a guest house, cares for the primary expenses, and leaves money for the innkeeper, commands to continue his assistance until his return (and this is interpreted as Jesus' second return): In other words, BARI SAMARATSI Company has laid down the principle of helping people with honest work, and has remained true to that principle.

BARI SAMARATSI was founded in 1994 by Mr. Hovhannes Hovakimyan, who is a true devotee of his business.

The Company has all the conditions needed to deliver high quality products in line with international standards: high quality specialists, modern German, Swiss, and other equipment, effective quality management system and constant food safety monitoring.

The BARI SAMARATSI company currently has about 200 types of products that can be grouped into the following main groups:

  • Cold meat, including fillets, smoked chicken, meat rolls, sausage, basturma and other assortments.
  • Raw smoked sausages.
  • Semi-smoked sausages.
  • Boiled sausages.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Other products.

The products of BARI SAMARATSI are certified by ISO-9001, ISO-22000 international quality management system. In addition, BARI SAMARATSI, together with the European organization EHEDG, ensures compliance with international sanitary and hygienic standards throughout the entire production chain.

The BARI SAMARATSI Company has won many prestigious competitions, diplomas, medals and most importantly - the trust of general public for its long conscientious work. The number of these rewards is so great that even listing and reading them will take a long time. But some of them should be noted:

  • In 2011, BARI SAMARATSI received the CIS Special Award and became Laureate for High Quality Achievements.
  • BARI SAMARATSI Company has received numerous certificates and awards from the Armenian Consumers Union.
  • The Company has been awarded many awards by the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Prime Minister.
  • BARI SAMARATSI Company has been recognized as a winner many times and has received the National Trust Award in various nominations.
  • The Company has received many other prestigious, local and international organizations diplomas, awards and certificates.

But, as already mentioned, the most important consideration was given by the people, the consumer, who have appreciated the honest work of the Company, seeing for many years a tasty product of high quality, safe food for their families and children.

Quality has been and is the main target of this company. And it is no coincidence that the motto of the company is related to providing high quality products. The motto of BARI SAMARATSI Company is:

We never forget that you have a choice…
