Dr. Hrachya G. Harutyunyan

  • Paronyan Str. 21
  • + (374 94) 21-46-24
  • + (374 10) 53-75-00

Dr. Hrachya G. Harutyunyan - Leading Orthopedic Surgeon of the Armenian-Finnish Clinic of Orthopedics COXA - NAIRI; specialized in hip and knee joint replacement, knee, elbow, ankle arthroscopy, bankart repair and acromioplasty, rotator cuff plasty, FAI reconstruction, Hallux valgus correction and more.

Dr. Hrachya Harutyunyan graduated from the Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi (YSMU) in 1996 and the Clinical Residency on traumatology & orthopedics in 1999.

Dr.Harutyunyan continued his medical practice in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia from 1999 to 2001, and then worked as traumatologist & orthopedist in the EREBUNI MEDICAL CENTER.   

Dr. Hrachya Harutyunyan successfully accomplished a special training program of the COXA clinic in Finland, and became the Leading Orthopedic Surgeon of the Armenian-Finnish Clinic of Orthopedics COXA - NAIRI since 2016. Coxa - Nairi clinic collaborates with leading American implant company Zimmer represented by the company representatives Tommi Qvick and Marko Reinikka, whose production for the present is distinguished by the high quality and big advantages.
