AREV ART Gallery

AREV Art Gallery is a charming spot in the heart of Yerevan, where art and art lovers meet. Here you can find Arev’s vibrant paintings together with the works of beloved and well-known sculptors Benik Petrosyan and Areg Petrosyan.

This is an original art center where various cultural events including book presentations, poetry, musical evenings and other cultural and corporate meetings are held. The gallery exposition is periodically updated and you have a chance to enjoy never before seen unique artworks. “Arev” means “sun” in Armenian. So don’t miss your chance to soak your artistic taste buds in Arev’s sunny art!

You are always welcome in AREV Art Gallery!


HMAYILS are one of the most impressive and emblematic elements of Armenian Christian Culture. As they were prayers, greetings and offers in digests, which had preservative and healing role, they were also used as talismans. HMAYILS were concerning to all life spheres, especially protecting from diseases, fears and bringing spiritual peace. They were written by clergy and were ornamented with famous miniatures and Christian icons. Everyone wanted to have his own talisman, and that was the reason why it was spread among the people. The oldest HMAYILS in Matenadaran is dated in 1474. Constantly exploring and getting inspired by honors of Armenian Culture, Arev Petrosyan created her HMAYIL series, using beauty of Armenian scripts and ornaments, maintaining “talisman” meaning of HMAYILS.  
