Information about Armenia

Population: 3,213,011 (96% are ethnic Armenians)
Land area: 29,800 square km
Independence: Since September 21, 1991
State system: Presidential Republic
Parliament: National Assembly, 131 members
Constitution: Adopted on July 5, 1995 (amended in 2005). The Constitution provides system of checks and balances between branches of power and guarantees fundamental human rights and liberties in accordance to international practices.
Capital city: Yerevan (population - 1,103,488 people)
Administrative division: 10 marzes (provinces) and Yerevan city
Language: Armenian
Religion: Christianity (Armenian Apostolic Church), adopted in 301
Currency: Armenian Dram (AMD), introduced in November 1993
Labor force: About 2 million citizens belong to the labor force. 1.2 million are economically active. The unemployment rate is 10%.
Employment by sectors: 77% in private sector, 23% in public sector and in state owned companies.
Literacy rate: 99%
Time zone: GMT+4
Membership to international organizations: Member of UN, Council of Europe, OSCE, WB, IMF, EBRD, WTO, BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), ICPO-Interpol, UNESCO, WHO (World Health Organization) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), etc.
Armenian Diaspora: Armenia has a worldwide Diaspora of about 6 million. The largest Diaspora communities are in Russia, USA, France, Germany, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, UK, Australia and Canada.

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