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Dr. Aram Badalyan

  • 55a Tsarav Aghbyur st
  • + (374 94) 13-11-33

Dr. Aram Badalyan - Head & Neck Surgeon, MD, PhD; Head of the Department of Head & Neck Surgery at ARTMED MEDICAL REHABILITATION CENTER, Yerevan, Armenia.

Education and Training

Dr. Aram Grigor Badalyan graduated from the Department of Military Medicine of the Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi (YSMU) in 2004, and the Medical Residency at Yerevan Garrison Hospital. He received a Certificate on a Specialty of Doctor of General Practice (GP) in 2005.

Dr. Aram Badalyan successfully accomplished a special English Language Course at Defense Language Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA, in 2007.

Dr. Aram Badalyan has also completed the Medical Residency of the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery of the YSMU in 2008, and the Residency of the Department of Head & Neck Cancer of the Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, in 2010.

Dr. Badalyan participated in several educational and training programs, including:

  • Workshop with international participation "Transoral laser microsurgery for upper respiratory digestive tract cancer", Moscow, 2016
  • Advanced training course «Reconstructive surgery in Head and Neck Cancer», Moscow, 2014-2015
  • Master class with international participation "Surgical treatment of head and neck tumors", Moscow, 2012


Dr. Aram Badalyan was a PhD Researcher of the Department of Head & Neck Oncology at Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, during the years of 2010-2014; he successfully defended his scientific thesis and received his PhD degree.

Medical practice and related professional experience

Dr. Aram Badalyan started his medical practice and served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, as the Chief of Medical Service of a Military Unit, 2005-2007. He continued the medical practice in the Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, during the years of PhD research.

Dr. Aram Badalyan became the Head of the Department (Service) of Head & Neck Surgery of ARTMED MEDICAL REHABILITATION CENTER, Yerevan, Armenia, since 2015.


  • European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, since 2004
  • Association of Armenian Oncologists, since 2004
  • Russian Society of Specialists in Head & Neck Tumors, since 2011
  • European Head & Neck Society, since 2014
  • Armenian Association of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgeons, since 2014
  • Board Member of the Armenian Anticancer League, since 2015

Conferences, seminars and other professional activities

  • First Armenian International Congress of Maxillo-Facial Surgeons, Yerevan, Armenia - 2002
  • 27th Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (EACMFS), Tour, France - 2004
  • 5th International Pan-Armenian meeting of Stomatologists, Yerevan, Armenia - 2005
  • 1st Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Armenia, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia - 2007
  • 19th Congress of the EACMFS, Bologna, Italy - 2008
  • World Tour of the International Federation of Head & Neck Oncologic Societies, Moscow, Russia - 2008
  • First Eurasian Head & Neck Oncology Congress, Minsk, Belarus - 2009
  • International Congress of Plastic Surgery “Global Partnership”, Yerevan, Armenia - 2009
  • 20th Congress of the EACMFS, Bruges, Belgium - 2010
  • Weill Cornell Seminar of Oncology, Salzburg, Austria - 2011
  • 25th Russian Oncological Congress, Moscow, Russia – 2011
  • The First Congress of "The Russian Society of Specialists in Head & Neck Tumors”, Moscow, Russia - 2012
  • First Interdisciplinary Congress of the Head & Neck Diseases, Moscow, Russia - 2013
  • Scientific-Practical Conference of the Russian Society of Specialists in Head & Neck Tumors with International Participation, St. Petersburg, Russia - 2013
  • 27th Russian Oncological Congress, Moscow, Russia - 2013
  • The 8th Congress of CIS Oncologists and Radiologists, Kazan, Russia - 2014
  • 22th Congress of the EACMFS, Prague, Czech Republic - 2014
  • 28th Russian Oncological Congress, Moscow, Russia - 2014
  • International Congress “New Horizons in Plastic Surgery and Dermatocosmetology”, Yerevan, Armenia - 2015
  • II Congress of the Russian Society of Specialists in Head & Neck Tumors with International Participation, Moscow, Russia - 2016
  • III Congress of the Russian Society of Specialists in Head & Neck Tumors with International Participation, Moscow, Russia - 2017
  • XIX Russian Oncological Congress, Moscow, Russia - 2017
  • Weill Cornell Seminar of Oncology, Salzburg, Austria - 2017


  • EACMFS Congress Scholarship - 2008
  • EACMFS Congress Scholarship - 2010
  • Salzburg Weill Cornel Medical College Scholarship - 2011
  • Salzburg Weill Cornel Medical College Scholarship - 2017


  1. A.Badalyan, Kh.Badalyan. The brief review and prospects of development of maxillofacial surgery in Armenia // In.: Materials of XVIIth Congress of the EACMFS, 15-19 September 2004, Tour, France. Abst. ID44. – P.10.
  2. Kh.Badalyan, A.Badalyan. Familial neurofibromatosis // In.: Materials of XVIIth Congress of the EACMFS, 15-19 September 2004, Tour, France. Abst. ID45. – P.122.
  3. Kh.Badalyan, A. Badalyan. History of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery in Armenia in ancient times up to XVIII century // In.: Materials of the V International Pan-Armenian meeting of Stomatologists,7-10 October 2005, Yerevan, Armenia.
  4. A.Badalyan, L. Badalyan. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of the upper jaw in children // In.: Materials of XIXth Congress of the EACMFS, 9-12 September 2008, Bologna, Italy. Abst. P335. – P.251
  5. R. Azizyan, A. Badalyan. Contemporary approaches to the treatment of stage III laryngeal cancer // In.: Materials of the First Eurasian Head & Neck Oncology Congress, 16-19 July 2009, Minsk, Belarus.
  6. R. Azizyan, A. Badalyan. Head and neck cancer reconstructive operations // In.: Materials of the International Congress of Plastic Surgery “Global Partnership”, 8-10 October 2009, Yerevan, Armenia.
  7. R. Azizyan, A. Badalyan. Reconstructive operations at head and neck cancer // In.: Materials of XXth Congress of the EACMFS, 14-18 September 2010, Bruges, Belgium. Abst. P2259. – P.1253-54.
  8. A.Badalyan, A.Mudunov. Surgical treatment for locally advanced recurrent cancer of the external ear. A clinical note // J. Head and Neck Cancer. - 2013. – Vol.3. – P.43-46.
  9. A.Badalyan, A.Mudunov. Surgical treatment for locally advanced recurrent cancer of the external ear. A clinical note // In.: Materials of XXIIth Congress of the EACMS, 23-26 September 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. Abst. P124. - P.594.
  10. A.Badalyan, M.Kropotov. Tumor volume as prognostic factor in chemoradiation for advanced oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer // J. of N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center. – 2014 – Vol.3. – P.12-18.
  11. M.Kropotov, G.Agabekyan, A.Badalyan. Multiple primary squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx and hypopharynx. Case report // Russian Journal of Oncology. – 2015 – Vol.2. – P.26-28.