All fruits and berries used for the production of KILIKIA preserves and are fresh, healthy, harmless, equally and fully matured, with strong consistency.
Below is the main assortment of preserves and jam produced under the brand KILIKA:
During the production of preserves, in order to avoid gelatinizing of the syrup it is not allowed to use unripe fruits and berries, which are rich in pectin.
KILIKIA jams and preserves are made of selected fruits and berries of plants growing in Armenia, such as cherry, apricot, peach, quince, plum, cornel, pumpkin, white cherry, pears, buckthorn, figs, walnuts, blackberry, raspberry, black mulberry, white mulberry as well as rose petals, which are exported and sold in a number of countries around the world under different trademarks.
KILIKIA soft drinks have been produces since 1999 and have kept the best traditions of making KILKIA soft drinks thanks to the modern technology and high quality raw. The quality control over all the stages of the production is carried out in accordance to ISO 22000 standards.
KILIKIA soft drinks are being exported to Russia, France, USA, Singapore, the Ukraine, Georgia and many other countries.
LOUZINIAN natural mineral water is extracted from mineral water sources (source 1/2009, town Jermuk) located in ecologically clean parts of Jermuk town. Mineral waters of Jermuk are deep underground thermal mineral water squirts. For the first time those waters have been examined and characterized in 1830 and are widely consumed nowadays.
By their chemical compound, mineral waters of Jermuk town are close to those of Dzelezhnovodsk and Karlov mineral waters. LOUZINIAN mineral water passes through a unique purification stage, result of which is the reduction of the arsenic levels in the mineral water to permissible level.
LOUZINIAN mineral water has tender taste, is easy to drink, is rich with useful mineral salts and it slakes thirst any season of the year.
Due to the climate peculiarities, Armenian fruits and berries are famous for marvelous taste, pleasant aroma and abundance of useful ingredients.
KILIKIA Natural juices and nectars are produced from the best fruits and berries growing in the clean ecological parts of Armenia and are processed with special technologies without use of preservatives, coloring substances and other additives.
Below is the main assortment of natural juices produced under the trademark AREVA:
In addition, AREVA has extremely high quality and 100% certified organic juices: Apricot, Rose Hip, Pomegranate and Cornelian Cherry.
These juices are produced from exceptionally selected fruits and berries of Armenia and exported to many countries around the world.
KILIKA beer is truly considered one of the most beloved beers in Armenia for several generations. This famous beer under the KILIKA trademark is produced by the Yerevan beer factory, which was founded in 1952 in one of the central sub-districts of the capital city Yerevan, having in front of its building a magical view of the sacred biblical Mount Ararat. The initial annual production capacity of the factory was 500,000 dal. Since then, the factory has been equipped with modern equipment and gradually increased production capacities.
The older generation of Yerevan residents well remember one of the most beloved party feasts in “Soviet years”, when they got the “purest unfiltered” beer (so called “chanie garejur”) in 3 litter cans or other containers directly from the factory, bought appropriate tasty fish and other snacks and tripled cheerful parties. Since that time, the company has won the hearts of consumers due to the high quality of its products. And most importantly - the company not only retained its good name but also multiplied it becoming very popular in other countries as well.
Qualified specialists, high quality materials and modern equipment are not sufficient to make a good quality beer. Beer production has different peculiarities, which make it unique. It requires a great dedication from manufacturer. They say, in order to achieve desired result, you should put your heart and your soul into it. And perhaps, in this sense brewing is much more title than profession.
Armenian brewers have kept the beer-making secrets of their ancestors. In Armenian Kingdom brewing began around 7-th century B.C. In Ancient Armenia beer was much stronger than even the strongest sort of modern beer. The earliest mention about Armenian beer can be found in the book ANABASIS (5-th century B.C.) of Greek writer and historiographer Xenophon. In this book he describes in detail this beverage made of barley: “There were stores within of wheat and barley and wind made from barley in great big bowls; the grains of barley malt lay floating in the beverage up to the lip of the vessel, and reeds lay in them, some longer, some shorter, without joints; when you were thirsty you must take one of these into your mouth and suck. When Greeks asked what the name of the country was, they were told that it was called Armenia”.
Since 1997 the product of the BEER OF YEREVAN factory has been launched under the brand KILIKIA and now it is considered to be the most popular beer in Armenia. The slogan of the company is: “Create a product which is the best among the rest”.
Currently the BEER OF YEREVAN company produces 12 types of beer. KILIKIA beer, which is produced in strict compliance with the centurial traditions of Armenian beer, by modern technologies and made from high quality substances, has numerous times established its high class in many international exhibitions by acquiring 30 gold, 3 silver, 2 bronze medals and 3 GRAND PRIX prizes and by being awarded plenty of certificates.
In 1998 and 2003, the company has been awarded the Republic of Armenia Government prize in the field of “Products and Services Quality Area”.
The international organization BID awarded “Beer of Yerevan” CJSC both a GOLDEN STAR in 1999 (Switzerland, Geneva) for producing products complying with the European standards and an honorable award for BEST QAULITY in 2001 (Germany, Frankfurt).
KILIKIA LIGHT - Lager beer of light golden color. It is marked by slight flavor. It is made from the best sorts of malt and hops according to classical technology. It is especially meant for light beer fans. It has been produced since 2012.
Thanks to high quality, modern management and flexible marketing policy, the production of the company has its significant place in local consumption market and is being exported to Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Georgia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA and other countries. The quality control over all HAthe stages of the production is implemented in accordance to ISO 22000 and HACCP.
The KILIKIA brand name of the BEER OF YEREVAN company, as well as the name of CILICIA sub-district of central Yerevan, where the factory is located, is associated with the name of Armenian Kingdom of CILICIA.
The Armenian Kingdom of CILICIA was an independent principality formed during the High Meddle Ages by Armenian refugees. Formed on the territory of the Armenian Highland, CILICIA existed from 1080 to 1375. Armenians first settled in CILICIA during the reign of TIGRANES THE GREAT (95-55 B.C.). At the beginning of the 11 century there were several principalities in CILICIA, but the largest was the principality founded by Prince Ruben in 1080. Rubenids proclaimed kingdom of CILICIA expanded the possession of principality. LEVON the second became the first king.
The Kingdom of CILICIA carried on a lively trade with many countries such as France, England, Italy, etc. Cilician Armenia thrived economically, with the port of AYAS serving as a center for East to West trade.
QYAVAR HOUSE is a wonderful family Guest House and BB organized by some very nice people -- a traditional Armenian family of local origin and culture; meantime all well educated and experienced in various fields, including: hospitality, law, international relations, healthcare, music, yoga and more. Here you can learn more about the QYAVAR HOUSE.
For more details, arrangements and reservation please contact the staff of the QYAVAR HOUES guest house.
R&V COMFPRT is one of the best and leading companies of Armenia engaged in the import and sale of construction (building) materials and equipment, as well as in the architectural design, construction and development, for more than 20 years!
Thanks to many years of diligent work and the reputation of a reliable partner, the company has become the exclusive representative of numerous world-famous companies from Italy, Spain, Germany, France, USA, China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, France, Portugal and other countries. In Armenia it will be difficult to find another such company that would have such a wide range of products, including: wall and floor tiles, PVC and steel pipes, gypsum boards, adhesives, black and galvanized metal sheets, mosaics, stone slabs, stoneware, sanitary ware, bathroom accessories, swimming pool accessories, chemicals, filters domestic pumps, parasols, hammocks, swing chairs, etc.
R&V COMFORT was awarded s special INTERNATIONAL QUALITY CERTIFICATE in Geneva, Switzerland, 2001.
In 2008 the products of the Spanish PERONDA and the Italian ABK tile manufacturers won the national THE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR prize by the Union of Manufacturers and Producers of Armenia.
R&V COMFORT won another International Prize for Leadership in Image & Quality in Madrid, 2011.
Mr. Ruben Shakhmuradyan, the President of R&V COMFORT, was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the World Bank and the International Financial Corporation for his input in DOING BUSINESS IN A MORE TRANSPARENT WORLD, 2012.
According to the Special Panel decision of the Armenia’s Chamber of Trade and Industry, in 2015 the R&V COMFORT was granted a special MERCURY award as a leading distributor of construction materials in Armenia.
The list of products of the company is huge, but it is possible to conditionally divide them into the following major groups:
In addition, R&V COMFORT offers the following services:
METSN ERIK is Eric is one of the leading and most experienced construction companies that has been providing high-quality construction, repair, renovation and related services in Armenia for a long time, since 1995. The company also produces metal and aluminum doors and windows.
METSN ERIK is equipped with modern equipment, technical instruments and special transport, as well as corresponding production and administrative premises to simultaneously carry out many construction projects in various regions of Armenia.
The company has built many residential, administrative and public buildings, including apartments, health facilities, educational, charitable, sports facilities, government buildings, and much more.
METSN ERIK has more than 200 employees, thanks to whom, for almost 25 years, the company has gained reputation of a reliable partner in the construction industry of Armenia.
KAMURJSHIN is one of the leading and best construction companies in Armenia. This company has vast experience in building complex bridges and other structures of strategic importance. For almost 50 years of work, the company has gained the trust not only of serious institutional clients and partners, but primarily of the entire people of Armenia, since bridges, roads and other structures have served and still serve a large number of people and the state. KAMURJSHIN constructed and reconstructed over 120 various objects of transport constructions - bridges, viaducts and road interchanges.
The main activities of the company are railway, road, pedestrian bridges, overpasses, road communication and other engineering constructions, as well as other building activities (hydro technical structures, civil and industrial buildings, etc.).
KAMURJSHIN is the only organization in the market of building constructions, able to produce 28m long pre-tensed reinforced - concrete beams, which are popular both in Armenia and in Georgia.
Apart from the above-mentioned production, the company is also one of the main suppliers of other reinforced - concrete constructions for transport construction in the Armenian market.
KAMURJSHIN was founded in 1971 as a bridge constructing department in the pertinence of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the former USSR.
For the construction of the 2-layer bridge through the canyon of HRAZDAN river (Nor Hachn / ARZNI bridge), most of the company workers were prized the laureate premium of the Soviet Government.
KAMURJSHIN is tightly cooperating with Yerevan Engineering University by training young specialists.
The company is a member of The Union of Armenian Constructors and an enthusiastic participator in working-out and investing in the range of legalized, normative and other acts in the construction sphere.
KAMURJSHIN owns an administrative building in Yerevan, production bases in Abovyan city and Yerevan.
The experience that the company has collected, the reputation of a reliable partner, the highly-qualified personal, successfully implemented solutions in investing new technologies, techniques and constructions allows KAMURJSHIN to remain one of the most competitive companies in the Armenian construction market.
In 1981 the bridge was put into operation. Length of the bridge -640m, width -14.5m (1.5+11.5+1.5). The bridge comprises 272.5m long metallic span construction, as well 13x12m long right-bank and 16x12m long left-bank viaducts. Height above the water level of the river Hrazdan -121m. The bridge is two-storied, the first storey serving as a railway and the second as a main road. Metal span construction is designed by "running deer" scheme. Precast concrete-2800m3 Monolithic concrete -12800m3 Metal constructions- 4650tn Traffic part area-9610m2
Triple-span metal bridge at km 2626+816.6 South-Caucasus railway The bridge was built in 1898. The material of the span - wrought iron. During the exploitation the elements of the span have been seriously damaged and corroded. Meanwhile, rail load has significantly increased in comparison with the standards for more than 100 years ago. Since May 2012 Kamurjshin CJSC is working to reconstruct stables and replace the old span by the new one. The new span designed by modern rail loading C-14. The work have been finished at the end of 2012.
Single-span metal bridge at km 2635+369.4 South-Caucasus railway The bridge was built in 1899. The material of the span – wrought iron. During the exploitation the elements of the span have been seriously damaged and corroded. Meanwhile, rail load has significantly increased in comparison with the standards for more than 100 years ago. Since April 2012 Kamurjshin CJSC is working to reconstruct stables and replace the old span by the new one. The new span designed by modern rail loading C-14. The work have been finished at the end of 2012.
In 1985 bridge was put into operation. Length of the bridge-158m.Longitudinal scheme-45+55+45m,with metallic span construction and reinforced concrete ballast slabs. Height of piers-45m. Precast concrete-3800m3 Monolithic concrete - 3800m3 Metallic construction - 350tn
In the 1985 double-track railway bridge was put into operation. Length of the bridge-182m, longitudinal scheme-3x45+33.6 m, with metallic spans.Height of the piers -up to 40m. Prescat concrete - 970m3 Monolithic concrete - 6400m3 Metallic construction - 650tn
In 1985 bridge was put into operation. Length of bridge-133m, longitudinal scheme-2x45+27m, with metallic spans.
In 1989 the bridge was put into operation. Length of the bridge -237m, width-23m (2.0+19.0+2.0). The bridge comprises 189m long metallic span construction (3x63m), as well 1x18m long left-bank and 1x18m long right -bank viaducts. Height above the water level of the river Dzoraget is 58m. Traffic part of the metallic span construction is carried out by the orthotropic slab. The high piers are assembled from box-like reinforced concrete 5.0x3.8x1.2m and 0.35m thick blocks that are made from B40 class concrete. The high piers were preliminary straimed with steel high -strengh reinforsing ropes. Precast concrete-1870m3 Monolithic concrete-4560m3 Metallic constructions- 1210tn Traffic part area-5460m2
In 1994 the first part of the bridge was put into operation, and the second part was put into operation in 2003. Length of the bridge – 368m, width- 26m (1,5+2x11,5+1,5): The bridge comprises 6x24m long left-bank viaduct and metallic span construction (63+84+63m). Height above the water level of the river Kasakh -58m Traffic part of the metallic span construction is carried out by the orthotropic slab of steel. The high piers are assembled from box-like, reinforced concrete 5x3,8x1,2m and 0,35m thick blocks that are made from B40 class concrete. After construction the piers were prebiminary strained with steel high-strength reinforcing ropes. Viaduct's reinforced concrete pillars are built with hollow piles. Prеcast concrete –1415m3 Monolithic concrete – 8200m3 Metal constructions- 2500tn Traffic part area-9620m2
In 1995 the border bridge between Republic of Armenia and Islamic Republic of Iran was put into operation. Length of the bridge is 207,72m, width- 13.5m (1.0+11.5+1.0). Span construction is metalic (3x63m) with reinforced-concrete traffic part slab. Bridge middle piers foundations are on buried holes. Precast concrete -1440m3 Monolithic concrete- 3630m3 Metallic constructions -600tn Traffic part area-2805m2
In 2000 bridge was put into operation. Length of the bridge-496m, width-32m (3.0+26.0+3.0). The bridge comprises 47.8+3x80+64m long metallic span construction, as well 4x28m long right-bank and 1x15m long left-bank viaducts. Height above the water level of the river Hrazdan -92m. Traffic part of the metallic span construction is carried out by the orthotropic slab. The high piers are assembled from box-like, reinforced concrete 5.0x3.8x1.2m and 0.35m thick blocks that are made from B40 class concrete. The high piers were preliminary strained with steel high-strength reinforsing ropes. Precast concrete- 4690m3 Monolithic reinforced concrete- 9100m3 Metal constructions-4555t Traffic part area-15900m2
Bridge over Zamanlu river gorge situated in the 2639+180,5th km of South-Caucasian railway bridge construction began in 2006 close to the current more than 100 years old bridge for the transfer of trains on the new bridge, because the elements of the span construction of the existing bridge are damaged, corroded.New span consists of a truss to ride on top, computed under the railway load C-14. Length of the bridge – 170m, longitudinal scheme – 3x51,014m Height of the piers –27m. Precast concrete – 33m3 Monolithic concrete – 3208m3 Metallic constructions – 592tn
Overpass of road junction at different levels in the Barekamutyun square in Yerevan In 2007 the overpass was put into operation. Length-162,2m Longitudinal scheme- 27+26,1+24+25+24+2x18m Width - 9m.
Viaduct and overpass on the new highway connecting streets Avetisyan, Saralanji and Heratsi in Yerevan In 2008 the viaduct was put into operation. Length - 59,35m Longitudinal scheme - 2x28m Width - 13m (0,5+12,0+0,5).
The existing railroad bridge in 2008 was reconstructed into the road bridge. Length of the bridge - 111,75m. Longitudinal scheme - 4x14,56+28+24m. Width - 15m (0,5+14,0+0,5).
In 2010 "Kamurjshin" CJSC carried out the reconstruction of being in emergency state overpass in Garegin Njdeh street in Yerevan. All the beams of the span construction were replaced with new ones, reinforced pillars and girth rails, implemented a new roadway with open expansion joints. The old 23x14,1m longitudinal scheme has been replaced with a new 5x14,1+2x28+6x14,1+2x28+5x14,1m. Length of the bridge - 324,3m. Width - 26,6m (3,3+20,6+3,3).
Overhead pedestrian crossing Admiral Isakov Avenue adjacent to the Police Academy in Yerevan, 2007. Overhead pedestrian crossing the Heratsi street in Yerevan, 2008. Overhead pedestrian crossing the Arshakunyats Avenue in Yerevan, 2009. Overhead pedestrian crossing the Babajanyan street in Yerevan, 2009. Overhead pedestrian crossing the Khanjyan street in Yerevan, 2010.
New Shirak Road Link and Artashat Highway: Overpasses at sections km 0+202, km 0+318.565, km 0+399.
Contractor - "Corsan Corviam Construccion" SA , Armenia branch