PROM-TEST Laboratories

  • 28 Koghbatsi Str.
  • + (374 60) 44-58-58
  • + (374 55) 44-58-58
  • 9:00-18:00 Mon-Sat

PROM-TEST Laboratories (PROMTEST LLC) is one of the leading independent medical laboratories in Armenia, founded in 1998. The company has an invaluable contribution to the development of microbiology in Armenia, through the introduction of applied innovative technologies, advanced training of scientists and related specialists.

Historical overview

PROM-TEST opened a DNA laboratory in 1998. Diagnostic services included tests for bacterial infections, number of DNA and RNA viruses, as well as cholera. Later, PROM-TEST started cooperation with the ARMENICUM project, conducting its lab tests in 2000. The Company also helped the project in creating its lab, as well as supplying it with chemical agents and equipment.

In addition, PROM-TEST supplied and installed laboratory equipment for the genetic identification laboratory at the Armenia’s Scientific-Practical Center of Forensic Medicine, in 2000. Meantime, series of training courses were provided for the specialists of the above mentioned Center. As a major result - the identification of physical persons became possible in Armenia on a genetic level, FIRST time!

Since 2002 PROM-TEST started another major cooperation with the Center for Cardiac Surgery. The main areas of the above mentioned collaboration are Infection Control and Nosocomial Infections. Major achievement: for the first time in Amenia, molecular typing of microorganisms and the differential analysis of nosocomial infections became possible!

The same year (2002) PROM-TEST started the quantitative testing of hepatitis C, the only such service in the region until recently. Before that time, all the analyses of hepatitis C would have to be sent to Germany through Georgia. PROM-TEST was also the first to make possible the quantitative testing of RNA viruses.

Since 2005 PROM-TEST successfully conducted several projects and initiatives, such as:

  • Training of specialists of the center for the examination of criminal cases; installation of genetic identification equipment at the same center and the launch of its laboratory,
  • In collaboration with the Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Healthcare of Armenia PROM-TEST conducted the diagnosis of avian influenza in Armenia,
  • Toxicology tests using the newest equipment of the Abbott Laboratories brand. This gave PROM-TEST the capability to determine the concentration of medication, alcohol and a variety of both traditional and synthetic recreational drugs in the bloodstream.

During long time PROM-TEST has been engaged in various projects and activates related to the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). According to the Armenian law, the labeling of GMO foodstuffs is mandatory in Armenia, and PROM-TEST provides such services to local manufacturers and importers.
