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Apricot distillate - ABRIKON

  • 8, Sahyan str, Ararat village

ABRIKON is a unique natural alcoholic drink from the foot of the Holy Mount Ararat.This is one of the best products of Armenia - best quality, delicate taste and a magic of fragrance!

ABRIKON is made exclusively of legendary Armenian apricot and the purest spring water. It does not contain any dyes or additives. Shade comes from natural apricot / oak barrels. 

When the content itself reveals and discloses the appetizing fruit of the apricot tree harbored on the Araratian plateau under the sight of the sun and those of the spring waters of highlands of Armenia, out of the very blend of these features takes its birth the spirit of this drink.

Abrikon, a stiff, ecologically clean apricot drink can easily attract the attention of everyone who masters the art of taste, making him experience that spirit.

One cannot just simply open this very bottle; while doing so you unintentionally open up a delightful crater of emotions and feelings inside yourself as well, a marvelous fusion of kindness and success. And finally, after having the first sip, having already fallen into a pleasant oblivion of sense of time and space with the second little gulp you experience the gust of the most breathtaking sides of the history.

The unique charm and flavor of the Armenian favorite apricot makes you feel the history as well.

It is not by chance that the fragrance of the heart-touching apricot dissipated long ago back to the times of Cleopatra and Semiramide. Sargon, the king of Assyria and Persian king Darius, were captured by its taste. It was embellishing the luxurious tables those of Pharaohs…

The triumphant mind of Alexander of Macedon and the ingenious fantasy of Avicenna were engaged in scrutiny of the Armenian apricot.

Properly chosen drink is a source of inspiration, if you are satisfied only by the best one.

Begin acknowledging you as a winner. Every achievement is born from the courage.

Justify your expectations creating tasteful colors. Become the part of that story.

Open your wings widely and soar. Choose your own drink, specialize in it and straightforward firmly.

This drink born from Armenian apricot will not leave indifferent also dainty women. Discover the creation of your imagination in this taste.