Dr. Karen Gabrielyan – Orthopedist and Family-Stomatologist, Member of Armenian Dentists Union, Head and Chief Dentist at NEW DENT Clinic of Yerevan, ARMENIA.
Dr. Karen Gabrielyan graduated from HAY BUSAK University in 2012, Yerevan, Armenia. He started professional activities in 1996.
Dr. Gagik Aram Jilavyan - Gynecologic oncologist, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Academician of RANS, Chief of Gynecological Oncology Department of the National Center of Oncology After V.A.Fanarjyan
Dr. Jilavyan graduated from the Yerevan State Medical University in 1979 and Clinical residency on oncology in Scientific Research Institute, St. Petersburg, in 1981. In addition, Dr. Jilavyan successfully accomplished several training programs, such as the internship on “The treatment of serous recidivations of ovaries” in St. Petersburg in 1984, and the fellowship program on “The prophylactics and treatment for the aftereffects of the Wertheim operation of the cervix of the uterus”, in 2002.
Dr. Gagik A. Jilavyan has more than 80 scientific publications and several suggestions on optimization of surgical treatment of patients with cancer. Also, he is largely involved in preventive maintenance and optimization of methods of treatment of a cancer of the cervix of the uterus, the cancer of a body of a uterus, a cancer ovaries, a cancer of a vulva and trophoblastical illnesses.