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Devil’s Bridge

The deepest part of the Vorotan gorge is between Tatev and Arzhis (700-800m). Here, the gorge is so narrow that sunrays do not even reach the bottom of it. The “Devil’s Bridge”, the most beautiful and amazing natural miracle of Vorotan gorge, is in one of the deepest parts of it. This natural bridge is 30m long and 50-60m wide and it is a short, yet significant part of the road from Goris to Tatev. The mineral water that spills from sources inside of the rocks, has painted the walls of the Vorotan gorge with rose and yellow colors. Throughout the past, the lime from healing travertine springs was thrown from one wall to the other, creating a great rocky arch over a furious river.  The sides of the bridge have interesting stalactites and the rocky slopes are dribbling cascades. In some parts where there are hot springs, natural baths have arisen by nature’s grace, which can be used for medical purposes. The area underneath the bridge resembles a huge stalactite cave.